aparajita flower tea benefits, Aprajita Phool Ke Fayde: This is not a delicate flower, it is a medicine, Ayurveda Dr. believes that 10 diseases like asthma-cough will be cured cough

aparajita flower tea benefits, Aprajita Phool Ke Fayde: This is not a delicate flower, it is a medicine, Ayurveda Dr. believes that 10 diseases like asthma-cough will be cured cough


Whenever you fall ill, obviously you would immediately run to the doctor for medicine. Keep in mind that the use of medicines every time for everyday diseases or health problems can prove to be dangerous for health later. You can also cure some diseases with the plants and herbs present around you, just you should know how to use them.

In Ayurveda, many trees and plants and the leaves, flowers, twigs and bark obtained from them are used in many medicines and treatments. One such powerful flowering plant is Aparajita, which you can easily find anywhere.

According to Ayurveda doctor Deeksha BhavsarThis blue colored flower has the ability to eliminate menstrual cramps, body pain, asthma, cough or anxiety etc. Let us know what are the benefits of Aparajita mentioned in Ayurveda and how you can use it.

Ayurvedic properties of Aparajita

  • Aparajita is katu (pungent), tikt (bitter),
  • astringent in taste
  • Light to digest and drying in nature
  • Is tridoshahara (balances all three doshas)

Ayurvedic benefits of Aparajita flower

Makes memory strong

Makes memory strong

Medhya is the special effect of Aparajita in Ayurveda. This means that it can improve memory and that is why it is best for children.

Improves libido

Improves libido

If you have low libido i.e. you have low sexual desire, then you should use Aparajita. Doctors believe that its aphrodisiac properties improve libido.

How and when to use Aparajita

How and when to use Aparajita
  • You can make its tea, for which take 1 glass of water and boil it on medium flame.
  • Add Aparajita flowers to it and keep the flame medium and let the tea boil for five minutes.
  • Then filter the tea in a cup. Add lemon juice and honey to it.
  • morning to stay energetic take, night to remember before bed and more empty stomach for problems Or take 1 hour before/after a meal.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.

health benefits of aparajita

health benefits of aparajita

Using this flower can help you get rid of headache, menstrual cramps, pain in any part of the body, lack of energy, weak memory, asthma, cough or anxiety.


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