Australian Open final: Novak Djokovic Jinkle Australian Open, Nadalchaya Vishwavikramachi tied

Australian Open final: Novak Djokovic Jinkle Australian Open, Nadalchaya Vishwavikramachi tied


Pudhari Online Desk: Anubhavala combines aggression and composure, giving excellent tennis performance, Serbia’s Novak Djokovic means today’s Australian Opener Punha Ekda Aaplya Navachi Mohar Umtvali. Tyane Grischia defeated Stefanos Tsitsipas 3-6, 6-7 (4-7 ), 6-7 (5-7 ). Because of this performance, Djokovic has equaled Rafael Nadal or world champion in winning 22 Grand Slams. In particular, in the previous Australian Open final, Novak Djokovic would have been barred from participating in the event due to a lymph node concussion. Mere yandachaya spardhet tyane excellent khelache performance ghadwat Australian openche aapnech ‘king’ aslyache achhoon dile aahe.

Very insightful service is Tsitsipaschaya Kholache Vaishisht Only competitive player’s penetrating serve tevdhyach jhunjharpane paratwane he Djokovic yachya kholache balsthan. Today, in general, both the players put up excellent tennis performances. Djokovic’s strategy is to suppress the competitive player and copy from Tyachyakadu. Today, Tsitsipasala defeated Banana in three sets in a row in the Australian Open final, maintaining the same strategy.

Djokovic holds strong in the middle of the first set

In the middle of the first set, both of them tied one game each. Djokovic holds serve midway through the second game
Took a 2-1 lead in the middle of the first set. In the middle of the first set or second game, Tsitsipaschi’s penetrating serve took Djokovic’s 3-1 lead. Stefanos Tsitsipas played a lot in the middle of the backhand, while Djokovic used an amazing backhand and a wonderful forehand. Anubhav Panala Lavat Khel Karta Tayane Mage Walhan Nahi Pehle. Avaghya 50 minutemadhye tyane first set 3-6 asa apalya navavar kela.

Djokovic maintains lead in the middle of the second set

In the middle of the second set, Djokovic kept his grip on his normal. Tsitsipas held her breaking serve midway through the first game of the second set. Djokovic, who showed exceptional service, made 1-1 in the middle of the second set. After this, both of them maintained their service till the third game and tied 3-3. Only in the fourth and fifth game, both the players had to make extreme efforts to maintain their service. Both of them maintained equality till Sahawa game. The second set was taken out by the tiebreaker. Djokovic’s strategy is to suppress the competitive player and copy from Tyachyakadu. Today, in the middle of the second set, the same strategy was maintained in the tie-breaker. Penetrating serve and amazing forehand from Zoravar Samanyat tyane second set 6-7 (5-7) asa jikanla.

3rd set Jinkat 22nd Grandslam Patkavle

Djokovic lost his balance in the third set or first serve. Tsitsipas made an unmistakable advantage in the third set by breaking his first serve to take a normal 1-0 lead. Mere pudhchya gamemadhye Tsitsipaschi service break karte Djokovicne dindugi sadhli. Service भेडक असली टरी बैकहंडमध्ये टायने चुका केल्या। Tsitsipas lost both sets in the third set and won well in the middle. Five-five such equal rights. After all, the tiebreaker went to the third set. Ha set 6-7 ( (4-7 ) Asa Jinkat Djokovicne Australian Openwar Dahavyanda Aasna Naav Koraln.

Stefanos Tsitsipas Tsitsipas

Djokovic showed undisputed dominance in the final normal first set. Only in the middle of the second and third sets, Stefanos Tsitsipas showed excellent service for almost three hours. Tyachyakadu Nakalat Chuka Ghadlya and Tyala Apalya remained deprived of the first Grand Slam in the middle of the tiebreaker in both the second and third sets.

Djokovic Australian Open Dahavyanda Jinkla

Djokovic defeated American Tommy Paulch 7-5, 6-1, 6-2 in a competitive semifinal to win the 10th Wyanda Australian Open final. Today the last common game is played. Djokovic means that the first Australian Open tournament in the middle of 2008 would have been difficult. That is, between 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2016, 2020 and 2021, Djokovic would have won the competition. Aata dahavyanda tyane Australian open grandslamvar aaple naav korle aahe. Rafael Nadal’s 22nd Grand Slam victory is equal to the victory of the world champion. In the same way, the competition Dahavyanda Jinkanyacha Vikramhi Banana.

Australian Open final: Djokovic topper Zep

The winner of the Australian Open tournament would have reached the top spot in the tennis world rankings. Because of this, today’s last Samnyala would have gained special importance. Aajcha saamna Jikant Djokovic who has grabbed the world number one position. After June 2022, it is again at the top position. Earlier, it would have held the top spot for 374 weeks. Yes it would have been a Vikram.

Djokovic ‘King’

Djokovic’s father Serdjan had a great time getting a photo taken with Chahatya standing outside the stadium carrying a Russian flag with Putin’s face on it. The dispute would have arisen on Wednesday after Djokovic’s quarterfinal. After that, Ukraine demanded that Djokovic’s father should be banned from the competition. Serdjan Yanne A statement before the semi-finals Famous bananas. They would have decided to stay away from the semi-finals. Ya Spardhedarmyan father Vadachya Bhowryat Sapdalle Tari Djokovic ie Apalya restrained Kheloche performing 22nd Grand Slam Apalya Navavar Banana.

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