Crocodile Virgin Birth: Birth of crocodile without fertilization, the first case for the history book of science, know

Crocodile Virgin Birth: Birth of crocodile without fertilization, the first case for the history book of science, know


Crocodile Virgin Birth: Stories of having children without fertilization have been told throughout history. The ancient Roman god Mars, the ancient Egyptian god Horus and according to ancient Chinese mythology were all born of virgin mothers. But birth without fertilization actually takes place in the natural world. According to Lewis Gentle, Principal Lecturer in Wildlife Conservation at Nottingham Trent University, the crocodile’s birth without fertilization is a first for the history books of science. Read further to know…

First evidence of birth without fertilization, an American alligator

The first evidence of birth without fertilization in crocodilians was reported in an American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, which had been kept in a zoo in Costa Rica for 16 years. She laid 14 eggs, from which babies were produced artificially. However, there was no success in hatching eggs and six of them were lost. But one had a fully formed embryo, which was genetically identical to its mother, showing no evidence of a male relationship during this time.

This is not the first case of bachelor birth

This is not the first case of bachelor birth in the animal kingdom. Baby lizards, snakes, sharks and birds including the California condor have all been born from unfertilized eggs.

Birth without fertilization is known as parthenogenesis

Birth without fertilization, known as parthenogenesis, is when an unfertilized egg develops into a fetus. It doesn’t necessarily have to be genetically identical to the mother – it depends on how the egg cells develop.

Mother’s clone can be parthenogenic child

A parthenogenic child may be a full or half clone of its mother. Half-clones are produced when embryonic cells divide in half before multiplying. Full clones are formed when a single fetus multiplies complete cells. Therefore half clones have less genetic diversity than full clones. They inherit only half of their mother’s genetic diversity.

Possibility of birth without fertilization even in dinosaurs

Since parthenogenesis occurs in birds and crocodilians, it is possible that birth occurred without fertilization in dinosaurs as well.


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