Despite producing quality honey, producers do not get proper price: Scientist

Despite producing quality honey, producers do not get proper price: Scientist

Quality Honey Production: Pusa: On the second day of the six-day training on strengthening enterprises through scientific methods of honey production and value addition of honey at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, theoretical and practical technical knowledge was imparted to the participants. In this episode, while addressing the participants, scientist Mukesh Kumar Singh said that techniques related to beekeeping including equipment were discussed in detail. In the field of beekeeping, some producers do not get a fair price despite producing quality honey. Therefore, by connecting through FPO, producers can get better benefits not only from the country but also from the foreign market.

Quality Honey Production: For marketing of honey, special attention needs to be paid to branding, packaging and leveling

For marketing of honey, special attention needs to be paid to branding, packaging and labelling. Producers need to maintain their image as a stable business in the market and attain the status of a better entrepreneur. Mostly, in the race to earn more profit, the image of the producers gets tarnished by sending adulterated or low quality products to the market. Also, the producers have to bear the loss caused by it. In this regard, a news published a few days ago by a well-known Delhi-based organization, Center for Science and Environment, was cited. In which the honey of the country’s famous brand was described as of poor quality. According to Dr. Singh, in order to survive in the business for a long time and to remain in a competitive environment, the quality of the product needs to be up to the mark. Along with this, it is also necessary to get registered as per the FASSAI standards as per government rules.

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