Men who wear such clothes may face problem in becoming a father, fertility goes on decreasing – can wearing tight underwear affect sperm count

Men who wear such clothes may face problem in becoming a father, fertility goes on decreasing – can wearing tight underwear affect sperm count


what does the doctor say

Wearing tight underwear is related to being born. Sperms are very sensitive to increase in temperature. Even one’s own natural body heat can cause problems. Testicles play an important role in the reproductive process and their not being in the right position can cause problems.

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what is the effect of tight underwear

what is the effect of tight underwear

The doctor says that several studies have investigated the effect of wearing tight underwear on sperm count. A Harvard University study found that men who wore tight underwear had lower sperm counts and poorer sperm quality than men who wore looser-fitting underwear.

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what happens if you wear tight underwear

what happens if you wear tight underwear

Wearing tight underwear is believed to increase the scrotal temperature, which has a negative effect on sperm production. Inside the scrotum are the testicles, which need a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body to make sperm. When the scrotum gets overheated because of tight underwear, it can hinder sperm production and lead to a low sperm count.

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what should be the temperature

what should be the temperature

The normal temperature for the scrotum should be 2.5 to 3 °C lower than that for the whole body. In normal condition, the normal body temperature is 37 degree Celsius, so the temperature should be 34.1 degree Celsius to make sperm. Studies have revealed that even a slight change in room temperature can affect sperm motility. Prolonged illness accompanied by high fever can cause a decline in the quality of men’s sperm.

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not everyone has problems

not everyone has problems

The doctor says that not every man has the problem of low sperm count due to tight underwear. It does not affect every man in the same way. Genetics, overall health and lifestyle can also affect sperm count. That’s why you can’t blame all the fall in sperm count on tight underwear.

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what should be done

what should be done

Especially in the fertility age, men should wear loose underwear such as boxers. Due to this, the skin and sexual organs remain in contact with the air and the temperature in the scrotal region is also controlled. This keeps the temperature of the scrotal right for making sperm.

photo credit: pexels


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