Menstrual Hygiene: No soap, no intimate wash, then how to wash private parts in Periods – on world menstrual hygiene day gynecologist dr anitha explained is it safe to use soap and intimate washing products during periods or not

Menstrual Hygiene: No soap, no intimate wash, then how to wash private parts in Periods – on world menstrual hygiene day gynecologist dr anitha explained is it safe to use soap and intimate washing products during periods or not


Why should not use soap in these days

You have to take extra care to maintain good hygiene during periods. Women have to go through this every month so they have to take care of some basic things. For this, there will be a need to change pads, tampons and menstrual cups from time to time. If you clean the private part these days using intimate wash or soap, then it will be wrong.

Ingredients in the product have the potential to interfere with the normal cleaning cycle of the vagina. Due to which the chances of bacteria generation increase.

Vagina cleans itself

Vagina cleans itself

The vagina has its own natural cleaning process, in which it goes through a natural cleaning process on its own during periods. Apart from this, using soap to clean the private part is considered wrong, as it can disturb the pH and bacteria of the vagina.

Since the vagina has its own self-cleaning mechanism, there is no medical justification for cleaning it. There is insufficient evidence to support the claim that the cleaning mechanism provides a safer way to clean the vulva and vagina.

…then how to clean

...then how to clean

If you do not have to use intimate wash during periods and you want your vagina to remain clean, then warm water should be used. Along with this you can also use some mild soap.

Tips to keep the vagina clean:

Tips to keep the vagina clean:
  1. It is very important to wash the vagina properly during menstruation.
    Before and after sexual activity, both partners should thoroughly clean the pivot part.
  2. Always use a mild cleanser to balance the natural pH of the vagina.
  3. Menstrual cups should be washed and disinfected within 6-8 hours.
  4. If using sanitary pads, use cotton pads. If the vagina sweats a lot, it should be washed regularly with water to avoid itching.

    To maintain the PH of Vagina, to avoid itching-burning or dryness, definitely consult your doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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