Yoga Poses For Good Sleep: These 5 yoga poses promote sleep by eliminating anxiety and stress, will spread as soon as you go to bed – 5 yoga poses for good sleep

Yoga Poses For Good Sleep: These 5 yoga poses promote sleep by eliminating anxiety and stress, will spread as soon as you go to bed – 5 yoga poses for good sleep

Yoga For Sleep: If you are not getting good sleep then you can get old before time. During sleep, the cycle of getting rid of all kinds of toxins in the body goes on. At the same time, the body balances all the substances and prepares it for the active mode for the new day. It is only through good sleep that the body is able to lead you towards a better healthy lifestyle and well-being.

Fitness Guru and Holistic Expert Mickey Mehta According to , due to poor lifestyle and increasing work load, many people are unable to get enough sleep. This has a negative effect on your health. Not getting enough sleep affects physical health as well as mental health. Guidelines from the National Sleep Foundation also recommend that healthy adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily for overall development.

Do yoga for good sleep

According to Mickey Mehta, if you are not getting a deep sleep at night, then the biggest reason for this is the wrong eating habits and the wrong time of eating. Excessive intake of caffeine, excessive use of mobile or laptop, consumption of drugs affect sleep. You should eat early in the night so that the food can be digested before sleeping. Keep in mind that digestion slows down at night. If you are struggling with sleep problems, you must try the below mentioned yoga poses.



Balasana or Child’s pose helps release tension in the chest, relaxes the back and spine and reduces tension in the shoulders and arms.

dead body

dead body

Shavasana or corpse pose calms the nervous system, aids the digestive and immune systems, reduces stress, headache, fatigue and anxiety, and helps lower blood pressure.



Padahastasana or Standing Forward Bend pose massages the digestive organs, reduces flatulence, constipation and indigestion, improves metabolism and helps with diseases of the nose and throat.

bandha konasana

bandha konasana

Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose improves flexibility in the inner thighs, groin and knees, soothes menstrual discomfort and heals digestive problems.

one leg uttanapadasana

one leg uttanapadasana

A Pada Uttanapadasana or Single Leg Raised Pose strengthens the abdominal muscles, strengthens the lower back muscles and improves the functioning of the digestive organs.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.

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