4 feeing mistakes of parents that you child become taller but health notier

4 feeing mistakes of parents that you child become taller but health notier


Children’s immunity is weak, so they fall ill sooner than adults. Due to weak immunity, the work of parents increases in the diet of children. They have to insist on including such things in the diet of the children, which work to increase the immunity of the child and can save him from getting sick very often. Here we are telling you about some such foods which can work to strengthen the immunity of children.
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These are great foods to boost the immune system, as they are rich in essential nutrients. Nuts are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and omega fatty acids. Feed walnuts, pistachios, almonds etc. to children.
Small children can be fed dry fruits in the form of dry fruit powder or soaked dry fruits. Dry fruits can be fed to older children (3+) in the same way. If your child is allergic to nuts, talk to the doctor.
According to Naturemed.org, the zinc and selenium present in nuts support an antioxidant called glutathione which works to boost immunity. It includes peanuts, cashews and almonds.

Feed these 5 foods to increase the immunity of children

Foods to Boost Kids Immunity: Feed these 5 foods to increase children’s immunity



Kids favorite cheese is one of the immunity boosting foods. It is high in zinc and zinc is useful in making antibodies to fight infection. You can feed cheese to your baby but it should not be processed. You can put cheese in baked potatoes, sandwiches. Kids also generally like pasta very much, so you can make cheese pasta for your kid.



This vegetable is also loaded with zinc which helps in boosting immunity. The best part is that different types of mushrooms also have antibacterial and antiviral properties. But before feeding it to your baby, you must consult a doctor as mushrooms are highly allergic foods.

There are many types of mushrooms, so they can be added to curries, pasta etc. A mushroom roll with other vegetables is also a good and nutritious snack. According to ncbi, eating mushrooms can help in the treatment of cancer.



This bright red-orange vegetable is rich in beta-carotene. This nutrient is converted into vitamin A inside the body. It also increases the lining of the body’s mucous membranes which means bacteria find it harder to attack. Thus, carrots are a great option to boost your little one’s immune system and protect him from day-to-day infections.
If your baby has recently started on solid food, you can give carrot-pumpkin puree to him. Older kids can be served with delicious Gajar Ka Halwa.



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