Injury prevention is important in hemophilia.

Injury prevention is important in hemophilia.


World Hemophilia Day: Hemophilia is a disease in which bleeding cannot stop due to blood clotting. This happens due to lack of a particular protein in the body. 13 clotting factors help in blood clotting in our body. There are three types of hemophilia: A, B and C. Hemophilia A is caused by the deficiency of factor eight. Similarly, hemophilia B is caused by deficiency of factor 9. This is a genetic disease. The special thing about that is that this disease occurs only in men. Women are its career. That means this disease passes from mother to child.

What are the symptoms of hemophilia?

Its main symptom is excessive bleeding due to injury or cut. It is not necessary that this bleeding will happen externally, internal bleeding also occurs. In fact, when small children walk on their knees, internal bleeding occurs due to repeated injuries to the knees. Due to this, there is swelling in the knees. If the injury continues there repeatedly, then gradually the knee becomes fixed, that is, there is difficulty in movement. Due to this the child becomes handicapped.

What are the tests for identification?

To identify this disease, first a blood test is done. In this, APTT test is done. It remains increased in this disease. After this, factors eight and nine etc. are examined. If any factor is found less, then how much less is it? That is, the disease is examined to determine whether it is mild, moderate or severe. There are three types of haemophilia A, B and C – mild, moderate and severe. In those in whom this disease occurs in mild level, the factor level is more than 5 percent. This type is not detected quickly. Sometimes it becomes known after severe injury or cut. Whereas in patients in whom it occurs in moderate form, the factor level is less than 5 percent. It is possible that bleeding may occur as soon as the injury occurs. In severe cases, the factor level is 1 percent or less. In this disease, bleeding can occur without any injury. He may become disabled due to bleeding in the joints. The patient may even die due to bleeding in the head.

What are the treatments for it?

First of all it is important to pay attention to prevention. Effort should be made to ensure that the patient does not get hurt. If the patient has to undergo any surgery or during dental treatment, the doctor should be informed about the disease. There are many types of medicines available to stop bleeding. Tranexamic acid injection is given. Apart from this, bleeding also stops if the clotting factor which is deficient is given injection according to the weight of the patient. In case the factor is not available, fresh frozen plasma is transfused. Haemophilia A occurs in one child in 5000. Hemophilia B occurs in one child in 30,000.

What is RICE therapy?

R (rest): The injured person has to be brought to rest immediately.
I (ice): Ice has to be kept in a cloth and baked on the injured area.
C (Compression): A cloth should be tied on the injured area.
E(Elevation): The injured part should be kept slightly elevated.

(Based on Ajay Kumar’s conversation with Dr. Avinash Kumar Singh)

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