Passport Renewal Online: How to renew passport online at home, step-by-step guide

Passport Renewal Online: How to renew passport online at home, step-by-step guide


Passport is a very important document for us. It not only allows us to travel to other countries, but it is also a major witness to our identity. Passport needs to be renewed from time to time so that it remains valid and we can travel internationally without any problem. In this article, we will know how we can renew our passport online and what documents are required.

Why is passport renewal necessary?

It is very important to renew the passport from time to time. It allows us to travel to other countries and confirms our identity. Passports are produced in a variety of contexts, such as travel, business, education, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to update the passport so that we can remain active in all these areas.

How to renew passport online?

To renew passport online follow the following steps:

1. Log in to the portal: First of all, go to the Indian Passport portal. Here you will get the option of “Online Passport Services” or “Passport Services”.

2. Registration: Register on the portal and create an account. If you already have an account, sign in.

3. Fill the Application Form: You have to fill the online application form for your passport. Here you will have to provide information like your name, address, father’s name, date of birth, etc.

4. Upload Documents: After filling the application form, you will need to upload your documents. These documents serve as evidence of your identity.

5. Pay Fees: Pay the fee for renewal. You can pay the fees with your passport information and other required details.

6. Book a Time Slot: You will need to book a time slot for your renewal process. This time can be chosen as per your convenience.

7. Arrive on time: Reach the passport office at the appointment time. Arrive with all your documents and forms.

8. Complete the process: After your identity is confirmed at the passport office, your passport will be renewed.

Which documents are required?

The following documents are required for renewal of passport:

1. Old Passport: Copy of the old passport which you wish to renew.

2. Application Form: Online filled application form.

3. Photograph: One passport size photograph.

4. Address Certificate: In which your permanent address is certified.

5. Fresh Marriage Certificate: If you are married and name has changed, fresh marriage certificate.


1. Check passport on time: Keep checking from time to time to ensure that there are no errors in the passport.

2. Pay Fees Correctly: Use the official website to deposit the correct fees.

3. Make appointments on time: Arrive on time for the appointment so that there is no delay.

4. Make online payment carefully: Be careful while making online payments and ensure that you are paying securely.

Renewal of passport online is easy and fast. You don’t have to wait in long queues and you can complete the task from the comfort of your home. For this, correct documents and online process have to be followed. So, if your passport needs to be renewed from time to time, take advantage of the online process and get it done with ease.

– Animesh Sharma


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