YouTube TV subscribers reach 6.5 million!

YouTube TV subscribers reach 6.5 million!


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San Francisco. After crossing the 60 lakh subscriber mark a few months ago, Google-owned YouTube TV is now estimated to have 6.5 lakh subscribers.

According to Leichtman Research Group, YouTube TV is set to reach about 6.5 million subscribers by the third quarter of 2023, 6,00,000 more than the previous quarter, 9 to 5 Google reports.

YouTube TV remains the fastest-growing and largest service, behind Hulu’s 4.6 million subscribers, Sling TV’s 2.1 million subscribers and Fubo’s 1.5 million subscribers. Sling TV had the slowest growth, with Fubo adding 310,000 subscribers.

Meanwhile, YouTube has added play counts for every song to its Music app and expanded the availability of a generative AI creator for playlist art.

Users will now see the play count for each track when browsing an album or public playlist generated by YouTube Music. It’s right next to the artist name and song length in the Android and iOS apps.

Previously, this information was provided in “Song Details” below the Now Playing Related tab.

Additionally, another YouTube Music feature seeing a wider rollout this week is the AI-driven playlist artwork creator.


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