5 vitamin d sources, Vitamin D Food: 5 foods will provide calcium-vitamin D to all 206 bones, this diet will strengthen – 5 foods rich in vitamin d and calcium which makes strong bones and beat osteoporosis

5 vitamin d sources, Vitamin D Food: 5 foods will provide calcium-vitamin D to all 206 bones, this diet will strengthen – 5 foods rich in vitamin d and calcium which makes strong bones and beat osteoporosis


Best way to take Vitamin D

Harvard recommends 600 IU of vitamin D daily for people 19 years and older. To eliminate its deficiency, staying in the sun, supplements, fortified food and vitamin D diet can be taken. Must include 5 foods in this diet.



Liver of animals is full of nutrition. Those who can eat non veg food, they should consume it. According to the NHS (ref.), this food increases vitamin D levels in the body and keeps osteoporosis at bay.

red meat

red meat

Eating red meat provides vitamin D, which helps in calcium absorption on the bones. Iron, vitamin B, zinc are also available by eating it. You can also remove vitamin B12 deficiency from this food.

milk and mushrooms

milk and mushrooms

There are foods rich in vitamin D for vegetarians as well. According to various experts, milk and its dairy products and mushrooms are rich in this vitamin. These food items can give full strength to the bones.

egg yolk

egg yolk

The white part of the egg provides protein and the yellow part provides vitamin D. This superfood also provides calcium. Due to which the bones get all the nutrition together.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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