Environment love become a part of lifestyle

Environment love become a part of lifestyle


we every year Celebrates ‘World Environment Day’ on 5th June. On coming 21st June we will celebrate ‘World Yoga Day’. But is yoga required only for one day? To stay healthy, regular daily yoga practice should be done. In the same way, our responsibility is not fulfilled by celebrating Environment Day for one day, but we should understand the importance of environment in our daily life and try our best to protect the environment.
We cannot achieve our goal just by mere formality and what is the goal? As far as environmental protection is concerned, the aim is to make this universe more beautiful than the beautiful state in which we found it and leave it for future generations. If you can’t make it more beautiful, at least don’t spoil it. For this, every citizen has to actively contribute towards the country, the world and the future generations. For example, everyone believes that polythene and plastic are very dangerous for the environment. Governments can make laws but the contribution of the individual and the society is essential in implementing them.

We often discuss and hear that there will be a very serious problem of pure water in the coming times and many times it is said that the third world war will be for water. But do we try to save water in our daily life? Do we keep the water tap running in vain while brushing or shaving in the morning? Saving a little water in bathing or for other use can be our contribution towards water conservation.

Rainwater harvesting should be mandatory for water conservation. There should be a state level task force to monitor and evaluate water conservation works. Tanks should be built to store rain water in government and non-government buildings, hotels, industries, it is mandatory. Without this, the map of any government or non-government building should not be approved. Even when water is diverted for hydro-electric projects, 15 percent of water flow in the main river should be mandatory to maintain the ecology of the main river properly.

Wherever there is project construction, building construction or road construction, the dumping site should be selected before the start of work to preserve the environment and the responsibility of implementing the steps mentioned for environmental protection lies with the officers and employees of the local administration. And in case of negligence, his personal responsibility should be considered. To reduce the emission of green house gases, there should be a complete ban on burning of coal and other fuels, fossil fuels.
There are some small suggestions that we can make a significant contribution to environmental protection by cooperating individually, family and socially. Like we ourselves should completely stop using polythene and plastic carry bags. We can make a big contribution by seriously implementing the campaign ‘Remove polythene, save environment’ at the national level.

We had done this while in power in Himachal Pradesh. Polythene and plastic waste was collected and used in road construction. For this, Himachal Pradesh received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration on 21 April 2011 for our excellent initiative ‘Sustainable Management of Plastic Waste in Himachal Pradesh, from Concept to Policy’.
We had created an ‘Environmental Protection Code’ to create awareness among children about the importance of natural resources and environmental protection. This oath was administered in the morning after prayer in the school:- A conference of the Chief Ministers of the Himalayan regions was held in Shimla to discuss ‘Indian Himalayan Ice Sheet, Climate Change’ in which the Environment Minister of the Government of India also participated. The following things were mentioned in the Shimla Declaration:-

1. Establishment of the Himalayan Sustainable Development Forum.
2. Using research in policy making.
3. Payment for ecological services.
4. Management of water resources for sustainable development.
5. Challenges of urbanization.
6. Green transport.
7. Tackling the effects of climate change on livelihoods.
8. Decentralization of energy security.
9. Management of eco-friendly tourism and development of pilgrimage sites.
10. Green Industry.
11. Green employment generation.

Plantation should be more and more because forests are the biggest means to eliminate carbon. Although the discussion and efforts of paperless office are everywhere, yet until 100% this effort is not implemented, waste paper can be recycled and reused in offices. Journalists, writers, magazines and newspapers who have made excellent contribution in the field of environmental protection should be honored by the government and social organizations for environmental protection.

A tourist code of conduct should be implemented to make tourists coming to tourism areas aware of the environment so that their contribution is also ensured. Every person wants to leave more and more money resources for his future generation. The way the environment is getting polluted, the emission of green house gases is increasing, glaciers are melting, the so-called developed countries are spreading pollution, our biggest legacy for the coming generation is a beautiful, clean, carbon neutral environment. The environment will have to be left for that. ‘Mahatma Gandhi had said that nature has given us enough to use according to our needs but not for greed’. so natural as needed

Harness the resources, not exploit them. Our slogan for carbon neutrality should be:-
‘Every citizen should become a strong environmental watchdog, the path of development in environmental protection.’

(The writer is former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh)

Prem Kumar Dhumal


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