Avoid UTI infection, take care of hygiene on special days, gynecologists gave this advice

Avoid UTI infection, take care of hygiene on special days, gynecologists gave this advice


Morning concerns: Prabhat Khabar team reached PK Rai Memorial College on Friday with this slogan: Healthy daughters, happy families. Prabhat Khabar is running a health awareness program for girls in high schools and colleges. In this, the city’s senior gynecologist informed the girl students about the physical changes taking place during adolescence and youth and also told the solution to the problem. Dr. Sushmita Thakur, Gynecologist and Obstetrician of SNMMCH, answered the questions of the students. Also gave them tips to be health conscious. Dr. Sushmita told the girl students that daughters need to change their lifestyle to have a healthy body and healthy mind. Do exercise every day along with meditation. Take nutritious food. Take care of cleanliness. Do not take stress especially on special days of the month. Coming of periods is a natural process. This is not a disease. Be happy in these days. Work as usual. A large number of girl students participated in the program. College Principal Dr. Kavita Singh, Noorsaba, Manju and others were present on the occasion. The stage was conducted by Sharmila Kumar of Zoology Department and vote of thanks was given by Kirum Rashmi Topno. Everyone appreciated the program organized by Prabhat Khabar.

Girls showed enthusiasm, asked many questions

In the programme, the girl students listened carefully to what the doctor said. After that asked questions. Some questions were general, while some were personal. The doctor answered all. Also explained the problems occurring during periods and their solutions. Told about taking nutritious food. Told to say goodbye to fast food. Dr. Sushmita told that in the Indian environment, periods start at the age of 11 to 13 years, but due to changing lifestyle and environmental pollution, periods are starting even at the age of nine. If daughters do not get periods till the age of 16, then consult a doctor. Take care of cleanliness on special days. Use sanitary napkins. Dispose of used napkins properly. Otherwise it may cause infection.

Urinary tract infection is caused by E-coli bacteria.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is common in daughters. Due to infection, problems like fever along with cold, blood in urine, vomiting etc. can occur. UTI infection is caused by E-coli bacteria. Also, the main reasons for this are use of dirty pads during menstruation, not taking care of hygiene etc. If UTI infection has occurred, do not take it lightly. See a doctor. The infection can spread to the kidneys. The source of infection is dirt, so it is important to take complete care of cleanliness. Drink plenty of water. Less intake of water can also be the cause of infection.

this is important

Dr. Sushmita said that as daughters grow older, they require more iron, vitamins and minerals in their diet. For iron, eat broccoli, green peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, jaggery, beets, kidney beans, almonds. For Vitamin C, use peas, capsicum, orange, lemon, green chilli and amla. Take nutritious and balanced diet. Do regular yoga and meditation. Drink plenty of water. Girl students were told to avoid fast food and junk food. Do not consume pizza, burger, chow mein, pasta and cold drinks.

Prabhat Khabar took positive steps for daughters: Dr. Kavita Singh

College Principal Dr. Kavita Singh appreciated the Prabhat Khabar. Said that it was a pleasure to see the enthusiasm of the girl students in the health awareness programme. Daughters need proper guidance during adolescence and youth. Prabhat Khabar has taken a positive step. Along with physical fitness, mental fitness is also important for daughters. Daughters can achieve their goals only by staying healthy.

Thanks Prabhat Khabar for better organization: Sharmila Kumari

Professor Sharmila Kumari said that the campaign being run by Prabhat Khabar in schools and colleges regarding health is very good. Providing information about problems and solutions to girl students is a commendable initiative. It was a relief to see awareness among daughters also. The doctor also gave many useful advices in life. Thanks Prabhat Khabar. This is a positive program for daughters.


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