Ayurvedic Diabetes Medicine: Turmeric + Amla, this remedy will eliminate 80% of diabetes, Ayurveda Dr. told how to take it – ayurveda dr mihir khatri share best home remedy to get rid of diabetes and high blood sugar

Ayurvedic Diabetes Medicine: Turmeric + Amla, this remedy will eliminate 80% of diabetes, Ayurveda Dr. told how to take it – ayurveda dr mihir khatri share best home remedy to get rid of diabetes and high blood sugar


Must try this Ayurvedic remedy after 35

If someone in your family has diabetes or you are feeling the symptoms of diabetes, or you feel that you are also at risk, then you can try a tremendous Ayurvedic recipe after the age of 35. .

Ayurvedic remedy can eliminate diabetes by 80%


The doctor told that if you have diabetes or feel that you are at risk of diabetes, then you should try this Ayurvedic remedy regularly. With this remedy, you can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 80 percent.

Eliminates the symptoms of diabetes

If you already have diabetes, you can also try this Ayurvedic experiment. With this, you can reduce the serious symptoms of diabetes such as preventing kidney damage, reduced vision, frequent urination, dryness in the mouth, etc. to a great extent.

Amla is a cheap Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes

You can use amla to control diabetes. This is such a herb, which can treat not only diabetes but also many serious health problems. You need amla and turmeric for this remedy.

How to prepare the mixture

Extract 10 ml juice by squeezing raw amla available in the market. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Take this mixture regularly in the morning on an empty stomach. For better results, continue it for 3 weeks, then take a break for 2 weeks and continue again. Turmeric is mild in nature but mild in nature with Amla, so it is safe to take regularly.

If you are struggling with any health problem and want its solution or any kind of information related to the disease, then you can send your questions to us directly at [email protected]. Our doctors and experts will try to answer them.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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