baby names, if you keep this name of son or daughter, then your child will understand everyone’s pain – 9 baby names meaning emotional

baby names, if you keep this name of son or daughter, then your child will understand everyone’s pain – 9 baby names meaning emotional


The name of the child should be such that it has a positive meaning because it is said that our name has a great impact on our lives, so always choose a name that has a meaning. Here we are giving you some names for baby girl and baby boy which means emotional. Very unique, modern and English names have been given in this list and you will definitely like these names.


Afia means health. One who would be free from all diseases and impurities, strong willed and strong physically as well as emotionally. If you are looking for Muslim names for your baby girl, then you can choose the name Aafia.

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If you are looking for any English name for baby boy, then you can check out the name Elvis. The meaning of name Elvis is “omniscient intelligent person who is talented in every way and has strong emotional desires”.



If your daughter’s name originates from the letter ‘A’, then you can name her Evelyn. Evelyn means a planner and has emotional security. Evelyn is an English name and most people like this name.



You can choose Bhavini name for your baby girl. Bhavini is a Hindu traditional name and meaning of the name is sentimental and emotional. Bhavini is a very cute and unique name and this name is also liked a lot.



If you are looking for baby girl names starting with ‘M’, then you might love the name Mirka. Mirka name meanings is Free from any kind of emotional disturbance. You can make your daughter emotionally strong by giving this name.

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People who love unique names can also check out the name Nahima. A person who is emotionally and mentally strong is called Nahima. This name will suit girls very well.



If you want a unique and English name for your baby girl, then you can check out the name Gracil. The meaning of name Gracil is “dynamic, bright and passionate”. They are very sensitive and like to be in a relationship.



Another English name is Elinora. People who like English and modern names like Elinora very well. The meaning of name Elinora is “sentimental and full of sympathy”. By giving this name, you can make your child emotionally strong and empathetic since childhood.



If you are looking for a name starting with the letter ‘Ch’ and want a little traditional name, then you can look at the name Chitayu. Chitayu means one who is sensitive and thinks emotionally. The name Chitayu is liked by many people who like unique names.

photo credit: pexels


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