Diabetes and Milk: Should diabetic patients drink milk? Know what scientists say – can milk raise blood sugar levels, is drinking milk ok for diabetes, know what experts say

Diabetes and Milk: Should diabetic patients drink milk?  Know what scientists say – can milk raise blood sugar levels, is drinking milk ok for diabetes, know what experts say


Diabetes Patients have to take special care of diet. By taking a healthy diet, you can avoid complications due to diabetes. Healthy diet means that which has less fat and more fiber. Taking such a diet can help prevent blood sugar from rising. Diabetes patients are generally advised to eat foods with low GI to help them control blood sugar levels.

A variety of whole grain foods, green leafy vegetables, lean proteins, nuts and seeds are all considered good for diabetics. However, some people have doubts about dairy products whether they are right for sugar patients or not. Most of these questions are raised about milk, whether diabetic patients should drink milk?

Milk contains fat, which can increase blood sugar levels, but it also contains important nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamin D, which work to manage the disease. Let us know whether milk is the right option for sugar patients or not?

Fat free milk is a great option

According to a report in diabetes.org.uk, milk is a complete food and if diabetic patients want to drink milk, they should drink non-fat milk. Also, every person is different, so one should monitor their blood sugar level after consuming milk and see if it suits them or not.

Does drinking milk cause diabetes?

Does drinking milk cause diabetes?

There is no evidence that milk can either cause diabetes or aggravate diabetes. It may be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Milk is also a very good source of calcium especially for pregnant women and growing children. Therefore, milk should be drunk.

How much milk should sugar patients drink?

How much milk should sugar patients drink?

If you are a diabetic patient, then you should drink a glass of milk daily. Even if you are not a sugar patient, you should not take more than a glass. The Diabetes Organization believes that you should not take more than 190ml of milk. In addition, people who are lactose intolerant and consume dairy products may develop diarrhea.

Are dairy products other than milk beneficial?

Are dairy products other than milk beneficial?

Milk and other dairy products generally have a low glycemic index (GI). Milk contains natural sugars and is a great source of protein. This is the reason why milk keeps your stomach full and blood sugar does not increase. The low glycemic index of milk and other dairy products suggests that these products are a great and healthy option for you.

Actually drinking milk is beneficial in diabetes

Actually drinking milk is beneficial in diabetes

Experts believe that milk is indeed beneficial for diabetic patients but you should keep in mind that you do not add extra sugar to your glass and avoid drinking full cream milk.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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