Diabetes Instant Treatment, this special remedy of Ayurveda eliminates ‘sugar’ in 30 minutes, there will be no trace of diabetes – study claims bitter gourd lowers high blood sugar in 30 minutes know diabetes instant treatment

Diabetes Instant Treatment, this special remedy of Ayurveda eliminates ‘sugar’ in 30 minutes, there will be no trace of diabetes – study claims bitter gourd lowers high blood sugar in 30 minutes know diabetes instant treatment


After having diabetes, a lot of changes have to be made in eating and drinking. If you eat something sweet, then immediately the blood sugar becomes high. High blood sugar can cause dry mouth, thirst, fatigue, blurred vision, tiredness, and excessive urination.

An Ayurvedic remedy can get rid of the symptoms seen in diabetes forever. This recipe is so wonderful that within just 30 minutes the high sugar ends, that is, the blood sugar comes under control immediately. The name of this Ayurvedic remedy for diabetes is bitter gourd. which we all know.

Blood sugar will decrease immediately

There is a study (ref.) by Indian researchers on Pubmed Central, which says that drinking bitter gourd juice brings down blood sugar in just 30 minutes. At the same time, after 120 minutes of consumption, it further decreases and its level becomes normal.

Bitter gourd is a panacea for sugar

Bitter gourd is a panacea for sugar

In another research (ref.) present on the same journal, it has been told that bitter gourd has anti-diabetic properties. Which comes due to triterpene, protide, steroid, alkaloid, inorganic, lipid and phenolic compound. It helps in eradicating Diabetes Mellitus from the root.

Bitter gourd contains ‘insulin’

Bitter gourd contains insulin

Various experts say that there is an element inside the bitter gourd, which acts exactly like insulin. It helps the cells to use glucose, which reduces its amount in the blood.

Also effective in pre-diabetes

Also effective in pre-diabetes

When blood sugar starts to remain high, then that condition is called pre-diabetes. This time is very important to get rid of the disease. At the same time adopting this Ayurvedic remedy can prevent the disease from becoming serious.

way to avoid diabetes

way to avoid diabetes

People who are very healthy can also avoid diabetes by consuming bitter gourd. By eating this, the risk of diabetes is greatly reduced and you are saved from getting into trouble.

What happens by eating bitter gourd?

What happens by eating bitter gourd?
  1. Contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate
  2. has cancer fighting properties
  3. Bad cholesterol is reduced
  4. helps with weight loss

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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