Diabetes Remedy: Drink these 5 leaves mixed with stale mouth water in the morning, blood sugar will be under control throughout the day.

Diabetes Remedy: Drink these 5 leaves mixed with stale mouth water in the morning, blood sugar will be under control throughout the day.


Diabetes It is a serious and incurable disease. Sugar disease is increasing rapidly in India and this is the reason why India is known as the capital of diabetes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India has an estimated 77 million people above the age of 18 with diabetes (type 2) and about 25 million with prediabetes (at risk of developing diabetes in the near future).

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for diabetes and that is why it is important to keep it under control. The deadly form of diabetes can damage the organs of the body and lead to death. The measures for the prevention of diabetes include healthy diet i.e. consumption of foods with low glycemic index and regular exercise.

There are also many home remedies for diabetes patients to control blood sugar, which can be beneficial if used along with medicines. One such solution is also the leaves of different types of trees and plants around you. Dr. Kapil Tyagi, Director of Kapil Tyagi Ayurveda Clinic, E-260 Sector 27, Noida telling you thatHow leaves can lower blood sugar.

curry leaves

Curry leaves are commonly used to garnish many dishes in India and neighboring countries. According to the NCBI report, in case of diabetes, the consumption of curry leaves has proved beneficial in reducing the blood sugar level. Fiber is found in curry leaves and fiber is responsible for slowing down digestion and does not metabolize as quickly, which keeps your blood sugar under control. Curry leaves also work to increase insulin.

basil leaves

Tulsi plant is known as the most powerful medicine of Ayurveda. This plant not only has religious importance but it has the ability to fight against many serious diseases. If you want to control diabetes, then you should boil it in water and drink it. The juice of basil leaves helps a lot in reducing the increased blood sugar level.

insulin plant leaves

Insulin plant (Costus igneous) is no less than a medicine for diabetes patients. According to a study by NCBI, consuming the leaves of this plant can lower blood sugar levels. The study found that blood sugar levels were reduced in diabetic patients who consumed the leaves of this plant.

mango leaves

Mango leaves contain the enzyme mangiferin which has the ability to inhibit alpha glucosidase, which helps reduce carbohydrate metabolism in the gut and prevents blood sugar spikes. Mango leaves have the ability to increase insulin and control glucose. Mango leaves are also packed with pectin, vitamin C and fiber. Together these two are beneficial for both diabetes and cholesterol.

guava leaves

According to a study published on NCBI, guava leaf juice can lower blood sugar levels. Studies show that guava leaf juice can inhibit the action of alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme that breaks down starches and other carbohydrates into glucose. You can boil guava leaves in hot water and drink it like tea.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.

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