H3N2 Virus Symptoms: H3N2 virus increased concern, do not ignore 6 symptoms, ICMR told 6 ways to avoid – icmr told 6 symptoms of h3n2 virus and 6 prevention and control tips

H3N2 Virus Symptoms: H3N2 virus increased concern, do not ignore 6 symptoms, ICMR told 6 ways to avoid – icmr told 6 symptoms of h3n2 virus and 6 prevention and control tips


Influenza AK these days in many parts of India, especially in Delhi-NCR. ‘H3N2 Virus’ The outbreak is spreading rapidly. Its cases are increasing rapidly and patients high fever, cough And the symptoms related to breathing are being felt. It is being told that this virus is deadlier than other viruses in the category.

According to ICMRAnd, since December 15, its cases have increased rapidly. People who are affected by this are getting admitted in hospitals soon. Its symptoms are like that of corona virus, which can last for 2 to 3 weeks. Its symptoms are severe but it is not life-threatening.

The weather has changed in the last few weeks. Cough and fever are common problems in the changing season. It is a matter of concern that people are not able to understand the difference between normal cough and fever and the symptoms caused by H3N2 virus. Let us find out which H3N2 virus is causing the symptoms, how they can affect the sufferer and what you should do.

Ways to Avoid H3N2 Virus

Symptoms of the H3N2 Virus

According to ICMR, 92% of patients who contracted H3N2 virus in the past months and were admitted to the hospital had fever, 86% had cough, 27% had shortness of breath, 16% had wheezing. The organization found in its report that 16% of patients had pneumonia and 6% had seizures. About 10% of patients with severe acute respiratory infection caused by the virus require oxygen and 7% require ICU care.

Do not ignore high fever

Do not ignore high fever

It is being told that due to the grip of this virus, you may have high grade fever, along with which you may also have shivering. It has been told in the report that most of the people felt high fever.

persistent cough

persistent cough

Due to the grip of this virus, you may feel a continuous cough along with fever. This cough is not a common cough but can bother you. Along with the cough, you may have a hoarseness and a change in voice.

Symptoms can last for weeks

Symptoms can last for weeks

Symptoms caused by the H3N2 virus can last for two to three weeks. Most of the victims have high fever for two to three days. Along with this, body pain, headache and discomfort in the throat can be felt. Cough can last you two to three months.

These symptoms are also troubling

These symptoms are also troubling

It is being told that apart from fever and cough, people who are affected by H3N2 virus are also experiencing symptoms like cold, lung allergy like bronchitis, difficulty in breathing, discomfort in the chest.

What to do to control and prevent the virus

What to do to control and prevent the virus

ICMR has informed from its Twitter handle that to avoid and control the H3N2 virus, it is necessary to take care of some things, which include-

  • wash your hands with soap and water
  • Wear a mask now like Corona
  • avoid touching nose and eyes
  • Cover mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing
  • drink plenty of fluids
  • Take paracetamol for fever and body ache

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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