Hair Care Tips: Hair falling along with itching in the head in winter, adopt these home remedies, hair will get new life.

Hair Care Tips: Hair falling along with itching in the head in winter, adopt these home remedies, hair will get new life.


In winter our body needs more nutrition. Because in this season, hair and skin related problems increase due to humidity. In such a situation, if you notice these problems in time, then these problems will not become more serious. Due to dry scalp during winter season, hair becomes dry and lifeless along with itching.

Along with this, hair fall also starts. In such a situation, if you are also struggling with this problem, then this article is for you. Today, through this article, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies, by trying which you can cure the problem of dry scalp.

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is rich in anti-fungal properties. In such a situation, using it will not only relieve itching. Rather, the scalp will also get adequate nutrition. To provide adequate nutrition to dry scalp, mix 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel in tea tree oil. Then massage the scalp with it. After 2 hours, wash the hair with mild shampoo.

jojoba oil

Let us tell you that this oil moisturizes the hair roots well. Due to which the problem of dry scalp and itching reduces. For this, massage your scalp gently with jojoba oil. Then leave it for 2 hours or overnight. Next morning wash hair with mild shampoo.

coconut oil

Coconut oil is considered very beneficial for hair. The problem of scalp dryness and dandruff can be cured with this oil. For this, lukewarm coconut oil, apply it on the scalp and massage.

Castor oil

Castor oil can also help you in reducing the dryness of the scalp. Mix this oil with aloe vera gel and apply it on the scalp. If you want better results, then use it about 2 times a week.

olive oil

This oil is helpful in healing your dry scalp. This not only moisturizes the scalp, but also removes the problem of itching. Therefore, lukewarm the olive oil and massage it gently on the scalp. Then after about 2 hours, wash the hair with a mild shampoo.


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