HaircareTips: If you have dandruff problem in changing season then try these tips. Lifestyle News in Hindi

HaircareTips: If you have dandruff problem in changing season then try these tips.  Lifestyle News in Hindi


The problem of dandruff mostly starts troubling during the summer season. Due to the problem of dandruff in summer, hair starts falling and the hair becomes weak. Dandruff causes itching problem in the scalp. Today we will tell you about some home remedies, which can be mixed with shampoo to make hair healthy and dandruff free.

Follow these remedies to get rid of the problem of dandruff-

1. Lemon juice

Lemon is used more to remove dandruff. If you are also troubled by the problem of dandruff, then you can rub lemon juice in the hair roots.

2. Honey

Applying honey mixed with shampoo can get rid of scalp itching and dandruff.

3. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is considered good for hair. If you are troubled by the problem of dandruff, then mix shampoo and aloe vera and massage for some time, it can help in cleaning dandruff from the hair.

4. Amla

The properties found in amla can help in keeping the hair healthy. Amla is rich in Vitamin C, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Using which can eliminate dandruff.


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