Having trouble sleeping?

Having trouble sleeping?


Tips for Better Sleep: Everyone loves a good night’s sleep. People often try to get a good night’s sleep after working the whole day. Sometimes, due to lack of sleep, one is unable to concentrate on any work the next day or is unable to focus on work even after trying. In such a situation, it becomes very important for our body to get adequate sleep. Sometimes insomnia is very common, but in the long run this problem can be harmful for your mental and physical health. If you are also troubled by the problem of not being able to sleep at night, then you can try all these remedies to get rid of this problem.

Better sleeping tips

do pranayama

People are often unable to keep their mind calm due to stress and anxiety, due to which they have trouble sleeping. In such a situation, pranayam can be very beneficial. Along with calming your mind, it also helps in inducing sleep.


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keep the lights dim in the room

Melatonin hormone controls our ability to sleep and wake up. Too much light in the room affects the level of this hormone. That’s why reduce the lighting and screen time in your room before sleeping.

Dark Room
dark room

Read more: Tips for Better Sleep: Having trouble sleeping? Adopt these methods

keep cleanliness

It is very important to clean the room before sleeping. Cleaning the bed and pillow thoroughly before sleeping at night helps in getting better sleep. Along with this, brushing teeth and washing face can also be beneficial.

Clean Room 1
Clean your room

eat light food

Eat such food at night which is light for your stomach, eating such food can help you sleep well. Avoid eating food containing sugar, fat and caffeine at night, and eat food 3-4 hours before sleeping.

Healthy Diet 1
Light diet

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take a shower

Taking a shower at the end of the day before sleeping at night can be beneficial for your health and also helps in getting better sleep. Do not go to sleep immediately after bathing, let the body temperature return to normal for some time, this does not affect your health and you also get sleep quickly.

Take Shower
Take shower

intake of milk and hot water

Often warm milk and water is consumed before sleeping. The alpha-lactalbumin protein found in milk contains a lot of acid tryptophan, which helps in the production of melatonin, which leads to good sleep.

Warm Milk
Drink warm milk


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