How To Control Blood Sugar At Night: No medicines, just do 4 things before sleeping to control blood sugar throughout the night – nutritionist shares 4 simple bedtime routine for diabetics to control blood sugar level naturally

How To Control Blood Sugar At Night: No medicines, just do 4 things before sleeping to control blood sugar throughout the night – nutritionist shares 4 simple bedtime routine for diabetics to control blood sugar level naturally


Diabetes It is a serious and incurable disease. The faster the disease spreads, the more difficult it is to control. Actually, be it type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, managing it is a full time job, checking blood sugar, taking care of medicine, exercise and diet are the ways to control diabetes, which have to be taken care of day and night.

After a day’s fatigue, eating a full meal and falling asleep carefree does not mean that your blood sugar is under control. In fact, due to diabetes, your condition can worsen at any time, so it is necessary to keep blood sugar control at night and get good sleep. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra Telling you some such easy measures, which can improve your sleep and keep your blood sugar under control.

Ways to control blood sugar

chamomile tea

If you are a diabetic patient, you can have 1 cup of chamomile tea before sleeping to keep blood sugar under control. Due to its strong astringent, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it is helpful in controlling blood sugar.

7 soaked almonds


You can eat seven soaked almonds before sleeping at night. The magnesium and tryptophan present in almonds help improve sleep quality, curb nighttime hunger and reduce sugar cravings.

1 tbsp soaked fenugreek seeds


To keep blood sugar under control, you can chew one teaspoon of soaked fenugreek seeds before going to bed at night. The hypoglycemic properties of fenugreek seeds are helpful in regulating blood sugar and promoting sleep.

Do Vajrasana for 15 minutes


You can do Vajrasana for 15 minutes before sleeping to control the fatigue and blood sugar level of the day. This helps in managing diabetes as well as improves blood flow.

pay special attention to this

pay special attention to this

Most of the people have a habit of sticking to the mobile screen before sleeping, which is injurious to health. You should get at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Nerve pain, frequent thirst, the need to urinate, and hunger can all keep you awake. If these symptoms persist, talk to your doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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