How To Control Diabetes: Symptoms of diabetes will end, blood sugar will remain under control, Ayurveda Dr. Ne Batey 10 Nuskhe – 10 ayurvedic home remedies to control diabetes and high blood sugar level

How To Control Diabetes: Symptoms of diabetes will end, blood sugar will remain under control, Ayurveda Dr.  Ne Batey 10 Nuskhe – 10 ayurvedic home remedies to control diabetes and high blood sugar level


Diabetes or Diabetes is an incurable disease. Once one falls prey to it, the disease will begin to slowly hollow his body from the inside. There is no cure for it and it can prove fatal. However, controlling it can lead a healthy life. Since it is a disease of increasing blood sugar, it is necessary for the patients to control blood sugar.

How to control diabetes or blood sugar? In fact, increased blood sugar in diabetes patients causes many symptoms. Diabetes can be managed in simple and effective ways. It is necessary to detect it before reaching the serious stage of diabetes. With timely recognition and diagnosis, you can control it in a better way.

What is the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes? To control diabetes or high blood sugar, you can try healthy lifestyle, exercise, healthy diet, medicines and some home remedies. Dr. Kapil Tyagi, Director of ‘Kapil Tyagi Ayurveda Clinic’ located at E-260 Sector 27, Noida. Telling you some cheap and effective Ayurvedic home remedies for diabetes.

ayurvedic treatment of diabetes

According to Ayurveda doctor, diabetes occurs due to less functioning of Agni and blood sugar level starts increasing. There are a variety of English and Ayurvedic medicines that can help manage diabetes and blood sugar levels. Apart from these, there are some Ayurvedic home remedies, which can easily control it, let’s know.

Ayurvedic herbal powder

Ayurvedic herbal powder

Guduchi, kudki, shardoonika and punarnava are some of the Ayurvedic herbs that can control blood sugar. These are mixed to make a herbal mixture. Taking this mixture with warm water two to three times a day will be beneficial. Talk to an expert for this.

drink water from a copper vessel

drink water from a copper vessel

Drinking water from a copper vessel has been recommended for centuries because of its health benefits. According to Ayurvedic expert, drinking water from a copper vessel can prevent blood sugar fluctuations. Store water in a copper utensil overnight and drink it the next day.

Fenugreek seeds are also strong

Fenugreek seeds are also strong

According to Ayurvedic expert, diabetic patients should consume fenugreek seeds regularly and keep stock of it in their homes. Sprouts of its seeds can also be eaten or it is advised to drink fenugreek water in the morning.

Bitter things are also beneficial

Bitter things are also beneficial

Instead of eating sugar or carbohydrates, you should eat bitter foods. You can consume bitter gourd, amla, hemp seeds and aloe vera etc. Ask an expert how to eat them.

change diet

change diet

Any disease in the human body is caused by an imbalance in the doshas. Type 1 diabetes is caused by an imbalance of the Vata (wind and air) dosha, while Type 2 is caused by an excess of the Kapha (water and earth) dosha. That’s why low fat is essential. Opt for almond/soy/skimmed milk and low-fat yogurt instead of dairy products.

Kitchen spices are also powerful remedies

Kitchen spices are also powerful remedies

Anti-diabetic properties are found in kitchen spices. Especially turmeric, mustard, asafoetida, cinnamon and coriander have the ability to control blood sugar. How to use them for diabetes, consult your doctor.

Other ways to prevent diabetes

Other ways to prevent diabetes

According to the doctor, you can drink bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning, add chickpeas to your food, drink bitter gourd curry or juice, or drink bottle gourd juice mixed with amla juice.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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