How To Get Vitamin D Without sunlight, Vitamin D Food: These foods will give so much vitamin D that sunlight will not be needed, bones will become solid from inside – high vitamin d food include these 5 foods for vitamin d deficiency without sunlight and beat osteoporosis

How To Get Vitamin D Without sunlight, Vitamin D Food: These foods will give so much vitamin D that sunlight will not be needed, bones will become solid from inside – high vitamin d food include these 5 foods for vitamin d deficiency without sunlight and beat osteoporosis


Sunlight is considered essential for vitamin D. But in the rainy or winter season, the sun does not come out properly. Because of which the risk of vitamin D deficiency increases. Because of this, calcium also does not dissolve and the bones start to weaken.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency: Frequent illness, fatigue and weakness, back pain, bone pain, frequent bone fractures, depression, delayed wound healing, bone loss, hair loss, weight gain, muscle pain, anxiety, etc.

The deficiency of this vitamin can be met even without sunlight. This vitamin D diet includes foods that are rich in this sunlight vitamin. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian people can make up for the deficiency by consuming these foods.

orange juice

Orange fruit is rich in Vitamin C. Some fortified orange juices are available in the market, in which vitamin D is added. By drinking this, you can meet your daily requirement and make your bones strong.



You can make bones strong from inside by drinking a glass of milk. This natural drink provides calcium along with vitamin D. According to the USDA (ref.), 100 mL of milk provides 51 IU of vitamin D and 113 mg of calcium.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D Deficiency in Body: These 7 symptoms are seen due to deficiency of Vitamin D, do not ignore



Most people know that eating fish provides vitamin D. But oysters are another seafood that provide this nutrient in abundance. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be eliminated by eating this food.



Egg full of protein can make bones strong. It prevents the disease of osteoporosis and gives vitamin D. For this, you must eat the yellow part of the egg. Because, only protein is present in the white part.



Mushrooms are a high vitamin D food for vegetarians. But keep in mind that only those mushrooms can provide vitamin D, which have been grown in the sun. That’s why while buying from the market, definitely check the nutritional value on its packaging.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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