How to Pass Kidney Stones: There will be no need for medicine-surgery, 5 easy ways to pass kidney stone naturally – how to get rid of kidney stones, according to harvard health

How to Pass Kidney Stones: There will be no need for medicine-surgery, 5 easy ways to pass kidney stone naturally – how to get rid of kidney stones, according to harvard health


Kidney Stones A common problem that can happen to anyone.Men are at a higher risk of kidney stones than women, and about half will get another stone within 10 to 15 years. It is a painful condition, which can severely affect your normal life.

Why do kidney stones form? Kidney stones are formed when waste products like calcium, oxalate and uric acid are not able to pass out of the body and take the form of crystals ie small stones. It keeps getting bigger with time.

​According to Harvard Health, sometimes small stones pass out through urine, but sometimes they can get stuck in the urinary tract, causing the patient to have burning sensation during urination, severe pain, severe pain on one side of the body between the abdomen and back. Symptoms like pain, blood in urine, nausea and vomiting may be felt.

how to remove kidney stone

Kidney stones may take several weeks or months to pass, depending on the size and number of stones. There are many medicines and treatments available for this. Sometimes surgery may be required to remove the stone. According to Harvard Health, some simple home remedies can help in removing or avoiding kidney stones.

home remedies for kidney stones – drink plenty of water

home remedies for kidney stones - drink plenty of water

According to Harvard Health, people who passed 2 to 2.5 liters of urine per day were 50% less likely to develop kidney stones. To urinate this much, you must drink about 2 liters of water per day.

eat more calcium

eat more calcium

You should increase the intake of calcium rich things. Yogurt, soy products, beans, lentils and seeds are good sources of calcium. Calcium acts by binding oxalate in the intestines and does not allow it to be absorbed much, thereby reducing its amount in the urine.

Lemon is the enemy of stone

Lemon is the enemy of stone

You should drink lemon juice to avoid stones. The citrate or citric acid present in it helps to bind calcium and prevent stone formation. Drink half a cup of lemon juice mixed with water daily. Drinking the juice of two lemons can increase urine citrate and reduce the risk of kidney stones.

watch out for sodium

watch out for sodium

Things rich in sodium are likely to form kidney stones. This is because sodium increases the amount of calcium in your urine. You shouldn’t consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day.

Avoid animal protein

Avoid animal protein

Proteins from meat, eggs and seafood are called animal proteins. Eating these can increase the risk of stone formation. If you are prone to kidney stones, then you should avoid these things.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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