If you want to remove unwanted mole, then follow these easy home tips

If you want to remove unwanted mole, then follow these easy home tips


how to get rid of mole

If you have some unwanted moles on your face or body, then there are many home remedies to get rid of them, by adopting which you can get rid of these moles.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Add apple cider vinegar to the cotton, after that clean the mole with it and leave it on the mole for an hour. Repeat this for two weeks to get rid of mole.

cloves of garlic

Grind some garlic cloves and make a paste. Now apply this paste on the mole. When the paste starts drying, apply an adhesive bandage on the mole and leave it overnight. Repeat this for a week.

castor oil

Take one tablespoon of castor oil and add one tablespoon of baking soda to it. Apply the paste on the mole and leave it overnight. Wash it off in the morning. Apply the paste for a month to see the results.

Aloe Vera

To get rid of it, apply aloe vera pulp on the mole. Although, it is a slow process, but it is certainly the safest. Just clean the mole first and apply some aloe vera gel on it.

coconut oil

Apply coconut oil on the mole daily. By doing this daily, the mole will gradually start getting lighter and will be completely removed from the body.


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