Lungs are bursting due to cough… understand from 8 signs that you are in the grip of H3N2 virus, Dr. Pulmonologist 8 early warning signs and symptoms of h3n2 virus and 6 prevention tips

Lungs are bursting due to cough… understand from 8 signs that you are in the grip of H3N2 virus, Dr.  Pulmonologist 8 early warning signs and symptoms of h3n2 virus and 6 prevention tips


The threat of corona virus and its symptoms was averted now that the influenza virus ‘H3N2 virus’ has caused concern. It was considered a very mild virus but it has so far killed two people in Haryana and Karnataka. As of March 9, its cases have increased to 3,038 in the country.

Although doctors believe that this virus is not fatal and its symptoms are not so severe that one has to be admitted to the hospital, but two deaths in the last week have raised concerns. This is the reason why you should not ignore the signs and symptoms of the virus.

Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Pulmonologist and Chest Specialist in Fortis Hospital, Greater Noida Telling you which symptoms you should not ignore and what measures should be taken to avoid the virus.

How dangerous is the H3N2 virus?

According to a report in TOIFrom January 2 to March 9, that is, within 9 weeks, the cases of H3N2 virus have increased rapidly. During this interval, 3,038 positive cases have been reported. Initially it was considered to be a mild virus but now deaths have also started due to it. The Central Government has also held a meeting regarding the increasing cases and has also issued an advisory.

understand from these signs that you are also infected

understand from these signs that you are also infected
  1. Cough
  2. Fever
  3. phlegm accumulation in throat
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. to be tired
  6. Headache
  7. Dizziness
  8. vomiting

Who is more at risk of H3N2 virus?


It is believed that the elderly and children can easily fall prey to this virus, although people with asthma, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and weak immune systems are also at increased risk of getting infected. Be aware that better treatment can help with a faster recovery.

How long does it take to recover from H3N2 virus?


This infection usually lasts for about five to seven days. The fever may subside at the end of three days. In case of a mild infection, the cough may persist for a longer period of time. If the cough is increasing and the fever continues to rise after three days, contact your doctor immediately.

Ways to avoid H3N2 virus

  1. The best way to prevent infection spread by respiratory droplets is to take special care of cleanliness.
  2. avoid going to crowded places
  3. wear a mask in public
  4. Wash your hands with soap and water, especially before eating and after coming from somewhere
  5. always use hand sanitizer
  6. avoid close contact with infected people

Take special care of these things

Take special care of these things

If you are pregnant or the child is showing any symptoms, contact the doctor within 48 hours of feeling the symptoms. The doctor will tell you how severe your symptoms are, whether you need treatment, or whether your symptoms can be managed at home.

what to do if infected

what to do if infected

If you have somehow come under the grip of the virus, then you should take special care of diet to treat the symptoms and recover quickly. During this, drink plenty of plain water along with liquids like juice, lassi, buttermilk, lemon water and soup. Staying hydrated can help you recover faster.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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