Skin Care: Enhance facial glow with mustard oil, curd, honey and aloe vera gel, you will get amazing glow.

Skin Care: Enhance facial glow with mustard oil, curd, honey and aloe vera gel, you will get amazing glow.


The direct effect of change in weather is visible on our face also. Whereas in winter season, dryness increases due to moisture in the air. For this reason, problems like flaking of skin, dryness, cracks in heels and cracked lips start occurring in this season. In such a situation, you can try some home remedies to keep the skin soft. Today through this article we are going to tell you about some home remedies. With the help of which your skin will remain moisturized in winter and you will be able to take special care of your skin.

Mustard oil is an excellent moisturizer

Oil massage is necessary to avoid dry skin in winter. If your skin is dry, it means that there is a lack of both oil and moisture in the skin. In such a situation, if you do not moisturize the skin, then there may be a problem of fine lines and wrinkles.

Some people develop rough, red, and flaky spots on their skin. In such a situation, if your skin is very dry, you can massage the skin with mustard oil. This will soften your skin and remove its dryness. Applying mustard oil on the skin in winter makes it soft and prevents wrinkles. It also increases the glow of the skin.

To moisturize the skin, massage the skin gently with mustard oil. Apply oil on your hands and massage before sleeping at night. Your skin will absorb the oil overnight and your hands will become soft. Along with this, mustard oil also protects from infection.

Curd will make your skin shiny

You can take many types of beauty treatments with curd. Mix two spoons of curd and a pinch of turmeric and apply it on your face. Then clean the face after 20 minutes. By doing this remedy daily, your skin will get rid of dryness, pimples and sun tan.

Mix equal amount of buttermilk in one cup of curd. Then massage the entire face and body with it. Take bath 15 minutes after massaging. This will make your skin look soft and shiny.

Skin will become soft with honey

If you apply honey on your face for 10 minutes daily and wash it with lukewarm water. So your skin will not become dry and the softness of the skin will remain. For this, mix one spoon rose water and one spoon milk powder in half spoon honey. Now apply this paste on the face for 20 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water.

Apart from this, mix four tablespoons of honey, four spoons of wheatgrass oil and one cup of milk. Keep it in a container and store it in the refrigerator. Apply this lotion daily on face, neck and hands. Wash it with water after 15 minutes.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is a great homemade cleanser. It deeply cleanses the skin. Aloe vera removes dirt and dead skin from the skin. Therefore, aloe vera gel should be applied on the face every night. This will make your skin look clean and beautiful.

It is a natural moisturizer. Therefore, apply aloe vera gel on face daily for 20 minutes and wash with plain water. If you have an aloe vera plant in your home, or have aloe vera gel from the market, then you can apply it directly on the skin.

Anti-oxidants are present in aloe vera gel. Which protects the skin from wrinkles. To avoid the problem of wrinkles, apply aloe vera gel on the face daily. This will make your skin look younger.

Aloe vera scrub should be used to get rid of dead skin. For this, add cucumber pieces to aloe vera gel, grind it and mix oatmeal in it. Now apply it on the face and scrub for about 5 minutes. Then leave the scrub on the face for 10 minutes. This will remove your dead skin and increase the glow of your skin.

body scrub

By applying Ubtan daily in winter, the skin does not appear dry. To make ubtan, mix gram flour, wheat flour bran, curd or milk cream and turmeric. Then apply it with oil on the body. Let us tell you that after applying the paste, wash the paste while bathing after 20-30 minutes. Ubtan is a cleansing process, which removes dead skin and makes it glowing.

cracked lips will soften

In winter, the lips start cracking and sometimes bleeding starts coming out. In such a situation, to get soft lips, massage your lips with honey at night. This will give you soft lips. To maintain the pink color of the lips, apply cream and massage the lips before sleeping. Applying cream on your lips every night will prevent your lips from chapping and will remain naturally pink.

Get rid of cracked heels

If your heels are cracked, or the cracks are increasing in them, soak your feet in warm water every night for about 20 minutes before sleeping. Mix shampoo and a little salt in warm water. By soaking feet in this way, the dead skin on the heels will become soft. To remove dead skin from the heels, rub the scrubber gently on the heels.

After washing and cleaning the feet, massage lightly with cream and apply cream on the heels. After this, wear cotton socks and sleep. By leaving the cream on the heels overnight, the skin becomes soft and the feet look more beautiful than before. By doing this remedy for a week, you will get rid of cracked heels.


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