Sleeping more is harmful for health, 8 hours are enough

Sleeping more is harmful for health, 8 hours are enough


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Health experts say that a person should get at least 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours. If someone is not able to sleep for 8 hours, then he must sleep for 7 hours. By taking less sleep than this, a person plays with his health. Getting sleep is good for health. A good sleep protects us from many diseases. It is said that only the lucky ones get a good sleep. The better the sleep, the healthier the body, but too much is injurious to health. There are many people who will fall asleep wherever you put them to sleep, but their excessive sleeping affects their health. He suffers from many diseases like obesity, weak heart, weak memory etc. Apart from these, there are many disadvantages of getting more sleep. Let’s take a look at the disadvantages that are caused by sleeping more-

obesity-Excess sleep makes the body fat and obesity is the cause of many diseases. Once this disease occurs, it gets absorbed in the body.

Weakness of memorySleeping more than the prescribed time has the most effect on our brain. Due to this our memory starts getting weak. We are unable to remember the past and sometimes it happens that even important things are forgotten.

aching back-Sleeping more affects the back and we feel pain. If we don’t pay attention, the circulation of blood in our body is not done and we suffer from back pain.

heart disease-
Sleeping more increases heart diseases and there is a problem of heart attack.

life inactiveIn such a situation, we always find ourselves sleeping, that means lethargy persists even after sleeping and our important work is not done, with this our life becomes inactive.

increase in tensionSleeping too much also makes us stressed and due to stress, the heart and mind do not work at all.

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