There will be no need of medicine-surgery, Bijora lemon will dissolve kidney stones, Ayurveda Dr. told how to use – how to pass kidney stones

There will be no need of medicine-surgery, Bijora lemon will dissolve kidney stones, Ayurveda Dr. told how to use – how to pass kidney stones


home remedies for kidney stones

Apart from medical treatment or surgery, there are many home remedies to remove or dissolve kidney stones. In which one of the most powerful remedies is Bijora lemon, which is also known as big lemon. ayurvedic doctor mihir khatri Telling how this big lemon can help you to get relief from big stones.

big lemon is the cure for stone

big lemon is the cure for stone

Small lemons are often available in the market which are used by everyone. One There is also a big lemon, which in common language is called big lemon or Bijora lemon. It is called citron or Citrus medica in English. It is called Its shape is not round like a small lemon. It looks like bitter gourd and its color is yellow or green. Its seeds are slightly bigger.

How to use big lemon for stone

How to use big lemon for stone

According to the doctor, if you are suffering from kidney stones, then you can use big lemon to get relief from it. for this you 20 ml juice of large lemon should be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach., You should not consume it for more than 3-4 weeks should do. Its excessive consumption can cause the problem of hives.

Horse gram is also a powerful remedy

Horse gram is also a powerful remedy

You can also use horse gram to get relief from kidney stones. According to the doctor, for this, soak two spoons of dal in two cups of water overnight and boil it in the morning and eat it.

Barley water is the cure for kidney stones

Barley water is the cure for kidney stones

Barley is a great grain for kidney stone patients. Barley water can prove to be the most effective remedy to get relief from the problem. For this, put two spoons of barley in two glasses of water and leave it to soak overnight. Next morning, boil it for ten minutes and then filter and drink it.

Other Tips for Kidney Stones

Other Tips for Kidney Stones

Drink plenty of water daily and eat thin pulses. You can make vegetable soup and drink it once a day. Apart from these, do not hold urine and stool for a long time. Avoid eating too much salt and stay away from alcohol.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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