Bones will melt even after taking Vitamin-D, scientists told this special thing is necessary, it is present in every house – vitamin d deficiency may happen after eating vitamin d foods know how to increase it

Bones will melt even after taking Vitamin-D, scientists told this special thing is necessary, it is present in every house – vitamin d deficiency may happen after eating vitamin d foods know how to increase it


It is necessary with vitamin D food

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin., after studying many researches, says that such nutrients require fat or oil to dissolve in the body, which provide dairy products like milk or cream made from it.

don’t forget the calcium

don't forget the calcium

Calcium is also needed to prevent bones from melting. The combination of dairy products and vitamin D food is considered best because milk also provides calcium. Due to Vitamin D, the body easily absorbs calcium.

How to save bones from becoming hollow

How to save bones from becoming hollow

The NHS says that 10 mcg (400 IU) of vitamin D a day is needed to keep bones strong. To make up for its deficiency in the body, the same level is needed every day.

This is natural treatment

This is natural treatment

Our body also produces this nutrient, for which it needs sunlight. That’s why take sunlight in the morning and evening, because this fat-soluble vitamin is available in small quantities only in food items.

symptoms of its deficiency

symptoms of its deficiency

Apart from bone pain, with the help of some symptoms, vitamin D deficiency in the body can also be identified. These include tiredness, sleeplessness, hair loss, loss of appetite, falling sick easily, etc.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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