Cholesterol Cutting Chutney: This green chutney will cut out yellow cholesterol, a great way to clean the veins – cholesterol cutting chutney recipe shared by nutritionist know how to lower ldl cholesterol

Cholesterol Cutting Chutney: This green chutney will cut out yellow cholesterol, a great way to clean the veins – cholesterol cutting chutney recipe shared by nutritionist know how to lower ldl cholesterol


Many people know how bad cholesterol builds up in the body. To avoid this, food that gives unhealthy fat should not be eaten. But, if cholesterol has accumulated in the veins, then nutrition experts have prepared a special recipe to remove it.

As far as the color of cholesterol is concerned, most of the pictures show it as a yellowish sticky substance. Some research says that it can be light yellow to white in color. But whatever color it may be, green chutney will prove effective to clean it.

9 things needed to make green chutney

  1. Coriander – 50 grams
  2. Mint – 20 grams
  3. Green chili – as required
  4. Garlic – 20 grams
  5. Linseed oil – 15 grams
  6. Isabgol – 15 grams
  7. salt – as per taste
  8. Lemon juice – 10 ml
  9. water – as needed

Cholesterol Cutting Chutney Recipe

Cholesterol Cutting Chutney Recipe

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee has named this green chutney as cholesterol cutting chutney. Two methods can be used to make it.

First way – Put all the ingredients in a blender and make a thin paste and eat with food.
Second way- Make a chutney by grinding all the ingredients on a desi colander and eat it with food.

How to make coriander and mint chutney?

Must have coriander and mint

Must have coriander and mint

According to nutritionists, chlorophyll is found in these green herbs, which helps in improving digestion. At the same time, they contain a good amount of fiber, which reduces bad cholesterol.

Garlic does all the work of LDL

Garlic does all the work of LDL

Unhealthy sticky substance is called LDL in medical language. Garlic helps in reducing it. It prevents the narrowing of the veins by thinning the blood.

Cholesterol of diabetic patient will be reduced

Cholesterol of diabetic patient will be reduced

Isabgol and linseed seeds will be beneficial for diabetic patients whose cholesterol has also increased. Consumption of both of these helps in reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in such patients.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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