High Cholesterol Symptoms, hair starts falling as soon as cholesterol gets trapped in the veins, these 2 changes give warning – researchers shared symptoms of increased cholesterol in legs and hairs know these warning signs

High Cholesterol Symptoms, hair starts falling as soon as cholesterol gets trapped in the veins, these 2 changes give warning – researchers shared symptoms of increased cholesterol in legs and hairs know these warning signs


LDL Cholesterol A nasty sticky substance. Which blocks the veins. Many fatal problems can occur when it increases. That’s why you should avoid eating fat and oily things. Such foods work to increase cholesterol.

Every cell in the body needs cholesterol in normal amounts. It helps in producing hormones, vitamins and digestive fluids. But as soon as it goes above the normal level, the hair starts changing.

hair starts falling

High cholesterol can lead to peripheral artery disease. In this disease, the veins shrink and not enough blood reaches the feet. At the onset of this disease, hair loss is sometimes seen on the legs. Which happens due to not getting enough nutrition.

These 2 changes happen in the hair of the head


Researchers at Johns Hopkins conducted a research, in which a group of rats were given a high cholesterol and high fat diet. Whereas, a group was given a normal healthy diet. The research, published in ‘Scientific Reports’, showed that mice fed a high-fat-cholesterol diet had premature graying of hair and hair loss.

reason for hair loss in men

reason for hair loss in men

The researchers reported that mice fed the fat-cholesterol diet began to experience severe hair loss as early as 36 weeks of age. Researchers found the same pattern for men who have gray hair or hair loss due to a high cholesterol diet.

Hair root can be permanent damage

Hair root can be permanent damage

Cholesterol in cells is essential for hair root, hair growth and skin health. A research by researchers from Kerala University was published on the Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction. In this they observed that abnormal levels of cholesterol promote fibrosis by inhibiting biosynthesis. Due to which the hair root becomes permanent damaged and hair loss starts.

Can make bald before old age

Can make bald before old age

According to researches, changes in hair due to cholesterol can lead to cicatricial alopecia. It is an inflammatory hair loss disorder, in which the root of the hair present inside the scalp becomes completely useless and baldness starts.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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