how to lower bad cholesterol quickly legs

how to lower bad cholesterol quickly legs


High Cholesterol is a silent killer. Worryingly, there are no symptoms. Initially it does not affect the body and unfortunately, by the time any symptoms are detected, it has already damaged the body. This is the reason why it is important to keep checking the cholesterol level.

What is cholesterol? It is a sticky substance like wax, which is also made by your liver and it is also made from unhealthy fat things like oil, ghee butter and meat etc. eaten by you. It is made in the blood vessels and increasing its level can cause blockage in them, which can slow or stop the blood flow and increase your risk of heart attack, stroke and heart diseases.

As mentioned above, there are no specific symptoms of cholesterol, so it is necessary to keep checking it. Although there are some symptoms, by which you can know that this deadly substance has started accumulating in your body and you can see these symptoms in your feet. Let’s know how.

Tips to get rid of Cholesterol

Tips to Lower Bad Cholesterol Level: Try these tips to get rid of increased cholesterol

heaviness in legs

According to a report (Ref) by the NJ Cardiovascular Institute, if you are experiencing severe pain along with heaviness in your legs, you should immediately get your cholesterol levels checked. It is also seen in the thighs or calves. The pain gets worse while walking, whether you walk more or less.

frequent leg cramps

frequent leg cramps

Cramps in the lower parts of the body, especially the heels and toes, are more common in people who have high cholesterol. This can happen because of damage to the arteries. Cramps mostly occur at night. For this, you can sleep by keeping your feet on the bed or on a higher place.

cold feet

cold feet

When the weather is cold, we experience cold feet, but if your feet are getting cold without any reason, then your cholesterol may be to blame. Do not ignore this sign and get your blood tested as soon as possible.

change in skin color

change in skin color

Blockage in the arteries restricts the flow of blood to certain parts of the body. Its effect is often seen in the lower limbs. Discolored skin due to low blood supply is caused by high cholesterol. Do not ignore any change in skin color.

delayed wound healing

delayed wound healing

If you notice that there is a delay in healing any wounds in your organs, then it is a sign of poor blood circulation which may be due to high cholesterol levels. Although this can happen due to other reasons including diabetes, but the exact reason will be known only after getting the investigation done.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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