While filling petrol and diesel, not only ‘0’ on the meter, also check the density, the whole game is from here

While filling petrol and diesel, not only ‘0’ on the meter, also check the density, the whole game is from here


Not zero, keep an eye here too

Whenever you go to fill fuel at a petrol pump, don’t just check the meter for zero, but also take care of the density of petrol and diesel. Let us tell you that density is directly related to the purity of petrol or diesel. The government has fixed its standards for the purity of petrol and diesel. But by tinkering with this standard, you are being cheated at the petrol pump. Poor quality petrol damages your vehicle.

What is density and how to check

What is density and how to check

Density means the density of a substance. In colloquial language, you can understand the density of a substance or a product as its density. That is, in preparing a product, it is decided which substance and how much to mix in it. When a product is prepared by mixing a certain quantity of elements, then the quality of that product is decided on the basis of that. If there is any disturbance or adulteration in it, then it is obvious that you have not got the right product.

how to check

how to check

The government has fixed the density of petrol and diesel. If there is any kind of adulteration in it, the quality of the product falls. The purity density of petrol is 730 to 800 kg per cubic meter while the purity density of diesel is 830 to 900 kg per cubic meter. However, due to the change in temperature, its figures are not fixed. They keep on going up and down. Along with the price of petrol-diesel, its density is also updated every morning. If the density is below or above the prescribed range at the petrol pump, then understand that it has been adulterated.

Method to check the density of petrol

Method to check the density of petrol

You do not need to go anywhere to check the density of petrol. You will see its display on the machine. This information is also available on the petrol receipt. If you want, you can get it checked with a density jar at the petrol pump. Apart from this, you can check the density with the help of filter paper. Put two drops of petrol on the filter paper. Petrol will fly in 2 minutes. If a dark colored stain is seen on the paper after drying, then understand that the petrol is adulterated.


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