According to ayurveda dr mihir amla and ginger juice can reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides level naturally

According to ayurveda dr mihir amla and ginger juice can reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides level naturally


Amla and ginger juice is a cure for cholesterol

Doctors believe that increasing the level of dirty substances like cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is a sign of danger. These are substances that can cause blockage in the veins and increase the risk of heart and brain attacks. Ginger and gooseberry juice can help you get rid of this problem.

How to use Amla and Ginger

You need 10ml of amla juice and 5.5ml of ginger juice to eliminate triglycerides and cholesterol accumulated in the veins. You should mix these two and take them daily first thing in the morning.

Include these things in food

The doctor told that apart from this remedy, you should change your eating habits. You should include things like garlic, curry leaves, onions, drumstick soup etc. in your diet. Always fry vegetable/dal in sesame oil or mustard oil for better health.

avoid heavy meals

Dr. Mihir told that if you have cholesterol problem or want to avoid it, then you should avoid heavy digestible food. Apart from this, eat whenever you feel hungry, do not eat heavy food at night and do not sleep immediately after eating.

Exercise is also important

One of the major reasons for increasing cholesterol is not being involved in any kind of physical activity. If you want to prevent these dirty substances from entering the blood, then you should do some exercise daily which you like like walking, yoga, running, gym etc.

avoid stress

Avoid Stress Avoiding stress in normal life is not easy but Pranayama meditation for 10 minutes helps to deal with stress peacefully. Reducing stress not only helps in lowering cholesterol but also cures many health problems.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.

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