Curry Leaf For Diabetes: Chew or boil and drink, these medicinal leaves will melt the sugar in the blood – according to study curry leaf can reduce blood sugar in 10 days, know how to use curry leaves to manage diabetes naturally

Curry Leaf For Diabetes: Chew or boil and drink, these medicinal leaves will melt the sugar in the blood – according to study curry leaf can reduce blood sugar in 10 days, know how to use curry leaves to manage diabetes naturally


Diabetes is a silent killer disease. Once someone is in the grip of diabetes, this disease gradually makes his body hollow from inside. Luckily there is no cure for it. In this disease, the sugar level of the patient starts increasing, by keeping control of which a healthy life can be lived. Due to increase in blood sugar, the patient may experience symptoms like increased thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, slow wound healing, etc.

If diabetes is not controlled, it can damage many organs of the body including the kidney. Although it is necessary to take healthy diet and exercise to control diabetes, but there are many medicines which sugar patients use to control blood sugar. If you want to avoid bitter diabetes medicines, you can use curry leaves to keep blood sugar under control. A study published in NCBI (Ref) claims that curry leaves can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

what are curry leaves

Curry leaves are also an aromatic spice like coriander and mint leaves. These are small green colored leaves, which work to enhance the taste and health of food. They are used a lot in South India. It is used in dishes like dal, sabzi, khichdi, poha, idli, sambar and upma. You can easily get curry leaves plant in any nursery. Many people plant this plant in their house and use it when needed.

curry leaves are home remedies for diabetes

curry leaves are home remedies for diabetes

There is no doubt that curry leaves enhance both the taste and nutrition of food, but you will be surprised to know that these small green leaves are also helpful in controlling blood sugar levels. If you are a diabetic patient, then you must plant curry leaves in your house and use them. Apart from keeping sugar under control, it is also helpful in improving digestion and managing high cholesterol levels.

Curry leaves reduced blood sugar level in rats

Curry leaves reduced blood sugar level in rats

During the study, the researchers gave rats an intraperitoneal injection of 80mg/kg curry leaf extract daily for 10 consecutive days. They found that curry leaf juice reduced blood cholesterol and blood glucose levels in rats.

Blood sugar reduced in 10 days


Scientists in their study found that the blood sugar level of rats that were injected with curry leaf juice decreased from 387.0 +/- 15.6 mg/dl on the first day to 214.0 +/- 26.6 mg/dl by the tenth day.

How curry leaves reduce blood sugar

How curry leaves reduce blood sugar

Curry leaves are rich in several antioxidants, especially flavonoids. These flavonoids inhibit the metabolism of starch into glucose inside the body, thus helping to control blood sugar. These leaves also have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Curry leaves naturally boost insulin.

How to use curry leaves to control sugar

How to use curry leaves to control sugar

In the study, scientists used the juice of curry leaves. This means that you can drink its juice on the advice of a doctor. Apart from this, you can include them in your food. You can drink tea made from curry leaves daily or you can boil them and drink them. By the way, there is no harm in chewing them raw.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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