how to control diabetes and cholesterol, Yoga Day 2023: These 6 yogasanas will strangle the root of diabetes-cholesterol, blood sugar will always be under control

how to control diabetes and cholesterol, Yoga Day 2023: These 6 yogasanas will strangle the root of diabetes-cholesterol, blood sugar will always be under control


Today i.e. on June 21, International Day of Yoga is being celebrated. The purpose of celebrating this day is to tell people about the benefits of yoga. Yoga provides physical, mental and spiritual benefits. The theme of International Yoga Day in the year 2023 is ‘Vaudhav Kutumbakam’, which means Earth is my home.

It is believed that yoga not only gives peace to the body and mind, but it is also a medicine for many diseases. Practicing yoga daily can provide relief in all diseases from head to heel. Diabetes and cholesterol are fast growing diseases in India. Crores of people are in the grip of these diseases. They are called silent killers because they slowly kill the body by hollowing it out.

According to yoga expert Mansi GulatiAlthough there are many medicines and treatments available to manage the symptoms of diabetes and cholesterol, but you can also control them by doing some simple yoga poses daily. Keep in mind that while diabetes rots many organs including the patient’s kidneys, pancreas and eyes, high cholesterol levels can block the blood vessels and cause stroke, heart disease and even heart attack. To control diabetes and cholesterol together, you should do the following yoga asanas.

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

This pose helps in strengthening the pancreas. It works to strengthen the abdominal muscles, promote digestion and prevent stomach cramps. To do this

  • Lie on your stomach and keep your legs slightly apart. Own
  • Keep the arms at the sides of your body.
  • Bend your knees and hold your ankle.
  • Taking a deep breath, raise the chest above the ground. Simultaneously stretch your legs up and back.
  • Look your face straight ahead. Hold the pose for at least 15 seconds.
  • While exhaling, slowly bring your chest down to the ground. Release your ankles to bring your feet toward the ground.

yoga asanas to lose weight

Halasana Yoga: The right way to do Halasana. Plow pose

Balasana (Child’s pose)

Balasana (Child's pose)

It helps in relieving stress, fatigue and back and neck pain. It helps in increasing the production of insulin-producing beta cells. To do this

  • Sit in a kneeling position and your knees should be equal to the width of your hips.
  • Lean back slightly and try to touch your ankles to your hips.
  • Lean forward to touch the ground with your forehead.
  • Stretch your arms forward and feel the pressure on your back.
  • Remain in this posture for about 5 minutes. After that come back to the sitting position.



This asana works on your spinal extensors, triceps brachii and quadriceps muscles. It increases the strength of your muscles. It reduces high blood sugar. To do this

  • Lie down on your stomach and keep your legs straight.
  • Lower your arms to the floor adjacent to the last rib cage.
  • Press down on your arms to lift your body.
  • Don’t put your body on your feet. Instead, build pressure off your legs and strengthen your hip muscles.
  • Look straight or slightly upward. Breathe normally and stay in this position for at least 15 seconds.



One of the most beneficial yoga asanas to reduce high cholesterol is Sarvangasana. By using this asana, the harmful cholesterol of the body can be reduced. To do this

  • Kick the feet back, then focus your weight on your head, shoulders and elbows.
  • Extend your legs straight up as far as you can until you are stable.
  • Anyone having thyroid, heart or hernia disorders should avoid this asana.



This mudra can also be highly effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels. To do this

  • Sit down by straightening your legs.
  • Exhaling, slowly lean forward.
  • Stay in this position till your nose is touching your knees without lifting your feet.
  • Come back to your correct position after a few seconds.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayama is a very effective technique to lower cholesterol. Not only this, it also helps in controlling obesity. To do this

  • Sit up straight, take a deep breath, inhale and exhale
  • Doing this continuously also helps in avoiding fatigue.
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama should be avoided during migraine attacks, pregnancy and menstruation.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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