Is the US government hiding contact with aliens? What came out in Pentagon’s UFO report

Is the US government hiding contact with aliens?  What came out in Pentagon’s UFO report


As soon as we hear the word aliens, we start imagining a creature which is more developed than humans. But the reality is that the word alien simply means a creature that was not born on Earth. There is constant discussion about aliens and UFOs in the world. You must have seen films on this and also came across many stories related to flying planes. How aliens secretly come to this earth and leave their mark at some places. Do aliens really exist in the world? This is a question that has troubled scientists the most. About a year ago, people had alleged that the US Army was engaged in some programs whose focus was on aliens and their spaceships. Now, in the UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) report of the Pentagon, the US Defense Department, any secret government programs related to such extraterrestrial objects have been termed as a rumor.

The Pentagon’s new UFO report addresses rumors of secret-government-run extra-terrestrial programs but leaves several important questions. After a year of baseless speculation and whistleblowers accusing the US military of running a secret program focused on alien spacecraft, the US Defense Department announced that it has found no evidence of the government concealing contacts with aliens.

In a 63-page long report on government involvement with unidentified anomalous phenomena, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the UFO study branch of the United States Department of Defense, stated that the study: “Finds no evidence that any USG [ अमेरिकी सरकार] Investigations, academic-sponsored research, or official review panels have confirmed that any sightings of UAPs represent extraterrestrial technology. All investigation efforts at all levels of classification concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and were the result of mistaken identity. Despite this vigorous rejection of the government UFO cover-up, the report raises further questions that may prove technologically and scientifically groundbreaking in the future. The report details AARO investigators’ findings and traces them back to special access programs and classified compartments, despite claims by witnesses and whistleblowers. The report concluded that many of these programs represent bona fide, current and former sensitive, national security programs, but none of these programs involved capturing, recovering, or reverse-engineering off-world technology or material. .


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