Vitamin D Rich Foods: Vitamin-D deficiency will make bones dry structure, start eating 10 things as soon as 4 symptoms appear – 4 vitamin d deficiency symptoms and 10 vitamin d rich foods in hindi

Vitamin D Rich Foods: Vitamin-D deficiency will make bones dry structure, start eating 10 things as soon as 4 symptoms appear – 4 vitamin d deficiency symptoms and 10 vitamin d rich foods in hindi


Vitamins are needed for better functioning of the body. There are many types of vitamins and they have different benefits for the body. In these, vitamin D is considered essential for the strength of bones and immune system. The body produces vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. This means that you can get enough vitamin D by getting daily morning sunlight. If you are unable to take sunlight, then you can increase the intake of some foods (Vitamin D rich foods), in which Vitamin D is found.

The question is, how do you know if your body is deficient in Vitamin D or not? Blood test can be done for this but there are some other ways or say that there are signs and symptoms through which you can know that you are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency.

Always keep one thing in mind that deficiency of Vitamin D in the body can damage your bones and they can become weak. Let us know what problems you may have to face due to Vitamin D deficiency and what you should eat to complete Vitamin D deficiency.

slow wound healing

Vitamin D enhances the body’s ability to heal wounds. This means that due to its deficiency, the wounds of the body do not heal quickly. Although this symptom is also of diabetes, but if you do not have the problem of sugar, then you should visit the doctor immediately.



According to a report by NCBI, Vitamin D affects the mental state of a person. Due to its deficiency, you may have a problem of depression. Several studies have shown that taking vitamin D supplements can help treat depression.



If you always feel tired despite getting enough rest, it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Of course fatigue is a symptom of many diseases including cancer and diabetes but if you have headache, lack of sleep and persistent bone pain, then it is a symptom of Vitamin D.

persistent back pain

persistent back pain

Since vitamin D is directly related to bone health, its deficiency can make you feel bone pain. Vitamin D nourishes bones by increasing the body’s ability to absorb calcium. It has been found that people suffering from arthritis, muscle pain and persistent back pain have low levels of Vitamin D.

how much vitamin d is needed daily

how much vitamin d is needed daily

According to MayoClinic, the daily requirement for vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) for children up to 12 months of age, 600 (IU) for people between the ages of 1 and 70, and 600 for people over the age of 70. 800 (IU) for

Vitamin D rich foods


According to Harvard Health, to make up for vitamin D deficiency, you should include cod liver oil, salmon, swordfish, tuna, orange juice, dairy and plant-based milks, sardines, liver, egg yolks and cereals in your diet. etc. should be included.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.


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